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Saturday, August 06, 2011

Depravity has Radically Corrupted Human Reason

Frontline Ministries - Depravity Has Radically Corrupted Human Reason

Depravity has Radically Corrupted Human Reason

By Jay Wegter

Why study the ethical condition of the unbeliever’s mind?

A. The doctrine of original sin concerns man’s apostasy from God. In Eden, Adam and

Eve tested God, rebelling against His command. As a result of the fall of our first

parents, sin (radical depravity), and death became universal for the human race(rom5:12)

B. When man broke away from God ethically, he also broke away intellectually.

Man’s intellectual rebellion is expressed in his attempt to interpret everything in

which he comes into contact without reference to God.[1]

C. Grover Gunn gives us an analogy that is extremely helpful in understanding

the unbeliever’s intellectual rebellion. Gunn compares the natural man’s

reasoning processes to a pair of “faulty scales.”[2]

1. In this analogy the “scales” are analogous to one’s world view. All information

that a person encounters is interpreted by means of his world view. (The scales

are utilized to validate everything except one thing – they cannot weigh

themselves! World view cannot validate itself.)

2. God has given to every man “weights” that are accurately stamped. They are stamped internally by reason of the fact that all men bear the image of God. Every person has an innate knowledge that he is made in the image of an almighty Creator. By reason of that image, every man also has the law of God written upon his heart (rom2:14, 15).

3. The God-given “weights” are also stamped externally. The whole creation that surrounds man gives inescapable daily evidence of the power, wisdom and majesty of it Creator.[3]

4. In order to avoid the indelible stamp that God has put upon these “weights,” the natural man constructs a fantasy view of reality that flows from his own mind. He assumes that the true and living God has not revealed Himself in Scripture.

5. As a consequence, the unbeliever’s scales do not “weigh” accurately. Due to the rebellious assumption that the God of Scripture does not exist, every conceivable area of life is interpreted in an erroneous manner. (“Issues that should carry great weight have no weight at all on the scales of unbelief.”)[4]

6. In essence, the unbeliever is “pressing a depraved thumb upon the scales.” The God-given weights are rendered inaccurate by that constant act of tampering. The unbeliever cannot get an accurate reading upon his scales because he has set aside the authoritative claims of God, Christ and Scripture.[5]

7. When the revelation of God is evaluated on the world’s scales, the result is rejection and skepticism. As a result, measuring reality is a task that is absolutely impossible for the world’s autonomous scales.

8. Because the apologist is armed with an understanding of the unbeliever’s reasoning processes, he will not suggest for a moment that the unbeliever’s scales are in working order. Rather, his argument will at many junctures will confront the unbeliever’s world view – “Hey, get your thumb off of those scales! You’re cheating!”[6]

II.Rom 1 :18-23 is the Scriptural record of the universal corruption of human

reason. The Romans passage documents man’s intellectual war upon the moral

image of God.

A.Rom 1:18 The wrath of God – God’s wrath is His holy aversion to all that is

evil. God’s holiness and love are expressed in righteous indignation against evil.

Revealed – A continued outpouring, “dynamically, effectively operative

in the world of men… proceeding from heaven” Murray, p. 35. Present tense,

ongoing disposition; settled indignation.

Against ungodliness – (Ungodliness is disregard directed against God

Himself) and unrighteousness (disregard for God’s laws); the latter flows from the


Suppression – To Suppress is to hinder or hold down as a captive what is

true (psalm 14:1). They continue to try to convince themselves that the God of the

Bible does not exist. Though they studiously suppress the knowledge of God, all

men are theists in their hearts.

B.Rom 1:19 Natural revelationWhat they do know – the knowledge of God

that is “in them” – subjective (the image of God in them) and “unto them” –

objective (the wonders of nature)psalm 19:1, ,2 “The heavens…”

C. Rom 1:20– They are without excuse because they know:

The facts of creation – They have observed the external creation.

God’s eternal power – They have been witness to God’s unfailing

omnipotence in sustaining the world. They have beheld God’s invisible attributes

(wisdom, omniscience, etc.) and God’s eternal power. They know (internally)

because they have reflected upon the creation.

The divine nature (the Godhead) – The divine nature is seen in God’s

unchanging, everlasting deliverance – His providential dealings through the ages –

His consistency in upholding the world.

Clearly seen – God’s attributes are seen (understood) upon reflection

and by observation (limited knowledge and awareness of the Creator). This

knowledge is sufficient to condemn him, but not to save him. Psalm 97:6 – “The

heavens declare the righteousness…”

III. The unbeliever’s mind is fixed upon a lie.

A. Though the whole cosmos points inescapable to the truth of the Creator, the

unbeliever prefers the lie. (Although he tries, man can’t escape from himself, for

he is the crown of God’s creation – Ps 8; 19; 139.)[7]

1. He exchanges the truth for a lie (Rom. 1:25). The opposite of truth is rebellion,

lies, foolishness ((Prov. 1:7; Jer. 22:11-14; Matt. 12:30) ). He worships the

creature instead of the Creator – this is idolatry.

2. He has foolishly decided in his heart that the God of the Bible does not exist (Rom. 3:10-12).

a.) His heart, the inner control center, is against God (Rom. 5:10).

b.) Out of the heart are the issues of life (Prov. 4:23).

c.) The heart is the location of human character (Luke 6:45).

d.) The heart is the aspect of man that concerns God the most (1 Sam. 16:7).

e.) The heart is the seat of man’s spiritual faculty (Prov. 3:5), man’s moral faculty (Mark 7:20-23), man’s intellectual faculty (Heb. 4:12) and man’s emotional faculty (Prov. 15:13)).

3. The unbeliever seeks to wipe out God and be his own god.

a.)Genesis 3:1-7 – Satan told Eve a lie -- she would be “like God” knowing

perfect holiness. Adam and Eve sought to interpret the universe without

God – Jer. 8:9. .

b.) Lost men are usurpers of God’s place; they are acting autonomously.

B. The unbeliever’s conscience accuses him (Romans 2:15).

1. The Law is written upon man’s heart (his moral conscience).

2. Men know it is wrong to steal, kill and lie, but they reject the God who put this moral standard in their heart – they cannot give an account for the morals they believe to be true.

3. John Calvin said that there is an inescapable sense of Deity in the heart of every person.

IV. The unbeliever suppresses the truth of God.

A. In order to embrace the lie, the unbeliever unrighteously suppresses God’s truth.

He “holds down” the truth of God, not wishing to retain the knowledge of God in

his thoughts.

1. Though he possesses the truth of God, he suppresses the truth about God, thus

he sins against knowledge. (The unbeliever has no sentiment to live for the

glory of God.)[8]

2. Although the unbeliever represents himself as a “truth seeker,” as “neutral” and

as “objective,” the Scriptures declare the natural man to be in rebellion against

the God of truth. The seat of all sin lies in this aforementioned suppression.

The denial of God’s truth is an expression of man’s arrogant claim to be

autonomous. At the heart of the denial is man’s wicked attempt to erase the

very essence of the Creator-creature distinction which alone can give meaning

to existence.[9]

3. The unbeliever resembles the tenant farmers in Jesus’ parable (Matt. 21:33-44).

The farmers had a livelihood because of the mercy of the landowner, but they

refused to honor Him.

4. The natural man has “an ax to grind,” or vested interest in suppressing the

revelation of God. If he can expunge the knowledge of the Creator from his

thoughts, then he will not have to think about God as his Lawgiver and Judge


B. In his suppression, the unbeliever makes self the ultimate reference point. The

natural man wants to be his own absolute authority. The Scriptures affirm that

autonomy belongs to God alone.

1. The unbeliever attributes autonomy to self – he tries to make his mind the

determiner of reality. Man desires a “god” who will leave the autonomy of his

mind in tact.

2. The Bible states that man cannot know God, the created world or self apart from

the revelation of God. Therefore when man makes self the ultimate reference

point, he places himself in a position to not understand truth. God regards man’s

speculations as futility, darkness and utter foolishness (Rom. 1:21-23; Eph. 4:17-19).[10]

3. Reasoning begins either with self or with God. The Bible is the infallible

starting point. Submission to God only occurs when men believe, submit to and

obey God’s Word. Submission to the truth of God is submission to God.

C. The non-Christian’s philosophy or world view, is based upon his allegiance to


1. Man’s commitment to independence from God rules out the possibility of

acquiring true knowledge. By seeking to live and think independently of God,

man has left the only source of certainty. The natural man wears a mask of total

certainty, but at the same time he is uncertain because he has abandoned the

source of true knowledge. (The cost of rendering God irrelevant is incalculable.

It thrusts man upon a shore-less sea of epistemological despair.)

2. In so doing, he opposes himself – he is left with only finite speculation and

probability.[11] He is stuck with a world ruled by chance and contingency. A

universe based upon chance has no basis for meaning and rationality, thus no

certainty. The commitment to independence brings man to futility and


3. The God of Scripture is ultimate reality and absolute truth. The choice to live

independently of Him is incalculably expensive. Non-Christian philosophy

based upon allegiance to independence claims to know truth, but offers nothing

but ruin and eternal death.

4. In their determination to be independent of God, unbelievers reject the claims of

Christ. The Apostle Paul refers to every man-generated philosophy as “empty

deception” (Col. 2:8).

D. Scripture exposes the lie of independence.

1. Romans 1:18-23 reveals that the opposite of truth is not ignorance, but

rebellion, folly, foolishness and preference for the lie. The Bible states that the

whole knowledge endeavor is a moral issue. God gives meaning to the facts of

His creation. The sinful mind rejects God’s authoritative interpretation of the

facts. (To assign a fact a different meaning than God does is sin. Sinners

readily redefine knowledge that God has already defined, eg.: death, galaxies,

morals, etc.)

2. The lie began when the human race fell away from God. When our first parents

sinned, they believed the lie that man can successfully be his own ultimate

reference point. The lie offered “freedom” – man could do whatever he deemed

right in his own eyes and succeed. Man could be the measure of all things and

the master of his own destiny without his world falling apart. The lie also

involved a philosophical commitment that pictured man as able to give facts

their original definition.

3. Reception of the lie corrupted man’s reason. The unbeliever by God’s common

grace is able to use his created abilities to make worthwhile contributions to

culture, research, education, the arts etc. But, his sinful mind rejects God’s

authoritative revelation. His radical sin bias (known as depravity) issues forth

in a comprehensive and antagonistic perversion of God’s general revelation

(God’s witness in the created universe). As long as the lie is in place, a man is

kept from knowing the true and living God.

4. Fallen man uses his intellect to judge God’s revelation as false. The sinner uses

the autonomy lie to set himself up as judge over what presents itself as divine

revelation. Fallen man does not wish to think about the source of his existence

(namely that he is upheld every moment by the thought and power of God). By

means of the lie, man seeks to produce an “intellectual” buffer between himself

and God. (Through the philosophy the lie provides, man seeks to distance

himself from accountability to God – he wants estrangement from his Creator

who makes claims upon him.)

5. “[A]ll humans are born under the dominion of sin, with an overwhelming

inclination to measure life in the scales provided by Satan. The basic measure of

Satan’s scales is the false gospel, ‘you can do what is right in your own eyes, and

you will not be judged with death; you will succeed in life’” (Grover Gunn on

Genesis 3).

6. Fallen man distorts the truth to fit his desires. He does not conform his desires to

the truth. Fallen men adopt a belief system that permits sinful expression. This

could be referred to as “L.C.D. religion.” (LCD because the lowest common

denominator in this “equation” is a man’s lusts, desires and passions – these

determine what he will believe – he gravitates to a belief system that allows him

to keep his sin.)

In other words, the unbeliever selects a belief system that does not demand

repentance from sin. By contrast, the Word of God declares that true repentance

(which God requires of man) involves forsaking the sins which are antagonistic to

the truth of God.

7. (Only by the miracle of the new birth is a man enabled to repent – only then does

he possess the inclination to do God’s will and forsake evil.) The sinful

suppression of truth only ends when a man repents from self as the ultimate

reference point. Os Guinness notes that impenitence is characterized by distorting

the truth so that it is conformed to one’s desires. By contrast, true repentance

submits to the truth of God and, in ongoing repentance, one’s desires are

continually conformed to God’s truth.[12]

E. The lie is filled with internal inconsistencies.

1. The lie assumes that this space, mass, time continuum known as the universe is

self-sustaining. But the naturalistic world view cannot account for morals, the

laws of logic, the conditions of knowledge and uniformity in nature. (i.e., a

universe founded upon chaos offers no accounting for the above.)

2. Suppression by choice is unsuccessful. The natural man knows that punishment

awaits him for his sin, yet he pretends that he can’t find God for lack of data.

Greg Bahnsen offers the following insight from Scripture, “Being ‘without God in

the world,’ the natural man yet knows God, and, in spite of himself, to some extent

recognizes God. By virtue of their creation in God’s image, by virtue of the

ineradicable sense of deity within them and by virtue of God’s restraining general

grace, those who hate God, yet in a restricted sense know God, and do good.”

(One cannot disassociate who God is from what He has commanded and

commended as His system of truth and ethics.)

3. For fallen man, corrupted reason is never the tool of divine revelation. For the

unbeliever, reason is either slain on the altar of chance or reason is worshipped as

the final authority. (The unbeliever’s god is not rational, realistic or reasonable.)

The unbeliever claims that he lacks reliable proof that the God of the Bible exists.

BUT when asked to supply the categories of “proof” he would designate as

admissible, he is unable to describe those categories (SeeProverbs 28:26 ).

4. A chance universe is the enemy of rationality. To say that rationality is based upon

irrationality is to “kill” facts as they are gathered. (Facts are “killed” because it

becomes impossible to give them meaning with any certainty.)

V. Suppressing the truth of God results in dire consequences.

A. There is nothing more destructive to the dignity and integrity of man than to know

the truth of God and to suppress it. The Apostle Paul pulls back the curtain and

shows us the moral turpitude ensues when it is no longer held back by the dam of

truth. (With the theological basis for morality set aside, nothing remains to keep the

floodgates of immorality closed.)

B. It is not enough to know that men suppress the truth of God. We must know the evil

consequences of suppression. This is not just an intellectual rejection of God’s truth.

What is involved is nothing less than the rebellion of the whole man.[13] (Mind,

emotion and will are all united in the refusal to give God the glory He is due. Men

refused to honor Him or give thanks.)

C. The dire consequences of man’s suppression are catalogued in Romans chapter one:

1. INTELLECTUAL FUTILITY – All thinking that sets aside the claims of God

always ends in futility. (They make nonsense out of logic.)

2. SPIRITUAL DARKNESS – When the Creator-creature distinction is denied, the

mind is flooded with soul-damning myths. (The areas of life dominated by the

myth run the gamut, the range of subjects is endless: origin, destiny, purpose,

knowledge, ownership, being, death, reason, morality, hope, reality etc.)

3. INCREDIBLE FOLLY AND STUPIDITY – The more man claimed to be eminent

in philosophy, the more foolish he became. Nothing less than vanity can be

expected when men exchange the truth of God for a lie.

4. FALSE RELIGION – False religion is evidenced in the proliferation of idolatry in

all its forms and manifestations. Men worshipped and served the creature and the

creation. This universal idolatry includes egocentrism, humanism, hedonism,

skepticism, materialism, intellectualism, and vain philosophy.

5. GROSS IMMORALITY – The unbridled expression of lust is one of the degrading

effects of man’s mutiny against God. Immorality is the rebellion of mind, spirit,

and body. The lust of the flesh replaces the love of the creature for the Creator.

6. SOCIAL DEPRAVITY – Suppression of God’s truth is highly destructive to social

standards and structures. Social depravity disrupts the essential order that is

necessary to maintain the decency and dignity of civilized society.[14]


[1] James F. Stitzinger, Apologetics and Evangelism, (The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, CA, 1999).

[2] Grover Gunn, A Comparison of Apologetic Methods, (, pp. 3, 4.

[3] Ibid., pp. 5-7.

[4] Ibid., p. 13.

[5] Ibid., p. 14.

[6] Ibid., p. 15.

[7] Philip Edgcumbe Hughes, “Crucial Biblical Passages for Christian Apologetics” Jerusalem and Athens,

E. R. Geehan, Ed. (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 1971), pp. 134-136.

[8] Greg L. Bahnsen, Always Ready, (Atlanta: American Vision, 1996), p. 42.

[9] Philip Edgcumbe Hughes, Jerusalem and Athens, p. 136.

[10] James F. Stitzinger, Apologetics and Evangelism.

[11]Greg L. Bahnsen, Always Ready, p. 105.

[12] Os Guinness, Time for Truth, from Christian Book Summaries, vol. 1 no. 15 (Apr. 2000), pp. 6, 7.

[13] Hughes, Biblical Passages, p. 136.

[14] Ibid., p. 137.


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