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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Seven Things That Christ Is

1) He is the Way; men without him are Cains, wanderers, vagabonds:—
2) He is the Truth; men without him are liars, like the devil, who was so of old:—
3) He is the Life; without him men are dead, dead in trespasses and sins :—
4) He is the Light; without him men are in darkness, and go they know not whither:—
5) He is the Vine; those that are not grafted in him are withered branches, prepared for the fire:—
6) He is the Rock; men not built on him are carried away with a flood:—
7) He is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the author and the ender, the founder and the finisher of our salvation.
~John Owen
P.S. He that hath not him, hath neither beginning of good, nor shall have end of misery.
from a sermon entitled A Vision of Unchangeable, Free Mercy ; Volume 8, page 36


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